Search Engine Land
In the wake of Google's Panda algorithm update, its cadre of human search quality raters has a new task: giving Google specific quality ratings for individual landing pages. The new “Page Quality Rating Guidelines” section adds a whopping 32 pages to ...
Search Engine Land
FBI vs. Google: The Legal Fight to Unlock Phones
Wall Street Journal
Google's unusual and controversial challenge to the search warrant indicates how murky the legal standards are for new technologies such as smartphones. Under the Supreme Court's so-called Third Party Doctrine, government agents can often obtain data ...
Bing Flunked My Search Taste Test
Microsoft this week launched a website that lets users input search queries to see results fromBing and Google side by side, without knowing which is which. Users can then vote for the results they prefer. The exercise is meant to support Microsoft's ...
With The Kindle Fire HD, Amazon Just Pointed A Gun At Google's Head
Business Insider
Googlers worry in private about whether consumers will skip Google and jump straight to Amazon for a product they want to buy. Search ads for commercialsearches are prized because there's an intent to purchase that comes with that ad, so Google can ...

Business Insider
Google doodle celebrates 'Star Trek' birthday
Fox News
Forty-six years ago this week the science fiction TV show "Star Trek" warped into existence, and today Web search giant Google celebrated the iconic series' birthday with an interactive doodle tribute. The doodle transforms the crew of "Star Trek's ...
Google Data: Interest in Mitt Romney's Mormon Faith Higher Than Ever Before
U.S. News & World Report (blog)
According to Google, interest in Mitt Romney's Mormon faith is higher now than it has ever been before. Searches for the GOP presidential candidate's religion have ebbed and flowed in the months leading up to the presidential election, with a single ...

U.S. News & World Report (blog)
Debate: Google's search pages prioritize ads and services over results
On Monday, Alex Yumashev of Jitbit released an article suggesting that truly relevant results only occupy 18.5% of a Google search page -- at least in his example search anyway, which was performed on a 13-inch (1280x960) notebook. Of those pixels ...

Want Your Picture In The Google Search Results? Add A Google+ Profile
Search Engine Land
Google has supported the ability to add authorship tagging to your web pages in order to give authors the ability to get more face time in the search results. ... He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics.

Search Engine Land
Google Acquires Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner VirusTotal
It's possible, however, that Chrome could soon get an improved built-in virus scanner for downloads courtesy of VirusTotal, for example, or that parts of Google Search's or Gmail's malware detection could use some of VirusTotal's assets. Here is the ...
Google to open first Latin America data centre in Chile
BBC News
Search giant Google has decided to base its first Latin American data centre in Chile, near the capital Santiago. The computer server base is expected to cost $150m (£94m) and will employ up to 20 people, said the firm. Google said it chose Chile ...

BBC News
10 Extremely Useful Google Search Shortcuts - TechEBlog
By TecheBlog Staff
If funny Google Search suggestions just aren't enough for you, there's also these ten extremely useful (yet simple) shortcuts that will help you find everything from the current weather to movie showtimes in your city and sports scores.
Tech Blog
Phil Bradley's weblog: Google reducing the number of search results
By philipbradley
I really don't see the point of doing this, although their reasoning is that if the search is specific enough to warrant less results, that's what you'll get. It's yet another example of Google deciding that it knows best. Here's an example searching for ...
Phil Bradley's weblog
Microsoft Launches 'Bing It On' Challenge Against Google and ...
By Liz Klimas
Earlier this year, a study showed Bing had surpassed Yahoo — the search for which is actually powered by Bing — for the No. 2 slot. But still unsatisfied, Bing is now challenging Google users to see which search engine they really prefer. - Stories
Microsoft Asks Consumers to Compare Bing to Google Via a Pepsi ...
By Seth Fiegerman
Microsoft launched a new marketing campaign on Thursday to prove once and for all that Bing is a better search engine than Google. ... Google 4, Bing 1. As a web designer and SEO expert I find that Bing is still not indexing well for keywords.
Mashable » Business
Are Bing's Results Better Than Google's? | WebProNews
By Chris Crum
Which search engine's results do you prefer: Google's or Bing's? Let us know in the comments. According to Bing, people “chose Bing web search results over Google nearly 2 to 1.” Notice they said “Bing Web search results over Google,” ...
Top News - WebProNews
Bing People Prefer Bing Web Search Results Over Google Nearly 2 ...
Since we launched Bing we've been hard at work to deliver relevant, useful search results that help you go from searching to doing. Awhile ago, we began to ...
Follow @sobeqnet
Wall Street Journal
Google's unusual and controversial challenge to the search warrant indicates how murky the legal standards are for new technologies such as smartphones. Under the Supreme Court's so-called Third Party Doctrine, government agents can often obtain data ...
Bing Flunked My Search Taste Test
Microsoft this week launched a website that lets users input search queries to see results fromBing and Google side by side, without knowing which is which. Users can then vote for the results they prefer. The exercise is meant to support Microsoft's ...
With The Kindle Fire HD, Amazon Just Pointed A Gun At Google's Head
Business Insider
Googlers worry in private about whether consumers will skip Google and jump straight to Amazon for a product they want to buy. Search ads for commercialsearches are prized because there's an intent to purchase that comes with that ad, so Google can ...
Business Insider
Google doodle celebrates 'Star Trek' birthday
Fox News
Forty-six years ago this week the science fiction TV show "Star Trek" warped into existence, and today Web search giant Google celebrated the iconic series' birthday with an interactive doodle tribute. The doodle transforms the crew of "Star Trek's ...
Google Data: Interest in Mitt Romney's Mormon Faith Higher Than Ever Before
U.S. News & World Report (blog)
According to Google, interest in Mitt Romney's Mormon faith is higher now than it has ever been before. Searches for the GOP presidential candidate's religion have ebbed and flowed in the months leading up to the presidential election, with a single ...
U.S. News & World Report (blog)
Debate: Google's search pages prioritize ads and services over results
On Monday, Alex Yumashev of Jitbit released an article suggesting that truly relevant results only occupy 18.5% of a Google search page -- at least in his example search anyway, which was performed on a 13-inch (1280x960) notebook. Of those pixels ...
Want Your Picture In The Google Search Results? Add A Google+ Profile
Search Engine Land
Google has supported the ability to add authorship tagging to your web pages in order to give authors the ability to get more face time in the search results. ... He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics.
Search Engine Land
Google Acquires Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner VirusTotal
It's possible, however, that Chrome could soon get an improved built-in virus scanner for downloads courtesy of VirusTotal, for example, or that parts of Google Search's or Gmail's malware detection could use some of VirusTotal's assets. Here is the ...
Google to open first Latin America data centre in Chile
BBC News
Search giant Google has decided to base its first Latin American data centre in Chile, near the capital Santiago. The computer server base is expected to cost $150m (£94m) and will employ up to 20 people, said the firm. Google said it chose Chile ...
BBC News
10 Extremely Useful Google Search Shortcuts - TechEBlog
By TecheBlog Staff
If funny Google Search suggestions just aren't enough for you, there's also these ten extremely useful (yet simple) shortcuts that will help you find everything from the current weather to movie showtimes in your city and sports scores.
Tech Blog
Phil Bradley's weblog: Google reducing the number of search results
By philipbradley
I really don't see the point of doing this, although their reasoning is that if the search is specific enough to warrant less results, that's what you'll get. It's yet another example of Google deciding that it knows best. Here's an example searching for ...
Phil Bradley's weblog
Microsoft Launches 'Bing It On' Challenge Against Google and ...
By Liz Klimas
Earlier this year, a study showed Bing had surpassed Yahoo — the search for which is actually powered by Bing — for the No. 2 slot. But still unsatisfied, Bing is now challenging Google users to see which search engine they really prefer. - Stories
Microsoft Asks Consumers to Compare Bing to Google Via a Pepsi ...
By Seth Fiegerman
Microsoft launched a new marketing campaign on Thursday to prove once and for all that Bing is a better search engine than Google. ... Google 4, Bing 1. As a web designer and SEO expert I find that Bing is still not indexing well for keywords.
Mashable » Business
Are Bing's Results Better Than Google's? | WebProNews
By Chris Crum
Which search engine's results do you prefer: Google's or Bing's? Let us know in the comments. According to Bing, people “chose Bing web search results over Google nearly 2 to 1.” Notice they said “Bing Web search results over Google,” ...
Top News - WebProNews
Bing People Prefer Bing Web Search Results Over Google Nearly 2 ...
Since we launched Bing we've been hard at work to deliver relevant, useful search results that help you go from searching to doing. Awhile ago, we began to ...
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