Wall Street Pit
The FTC is believed to be in the process of preparing an antitrust complaint against Google, on the grounds that it uses its dominance in the search engine market to promote its other services by altering its algorithms to boost their prominence in its ...Looking at who filed the complaints in these two cases yields a valuable lesson. In the case of the NCAA, the complaints came from the student athletes, the ones who have been deprived of choice. In the case of Google, the complaints came from competitors. These companies’ real problem, it seems, is not that customers do not have choices, but rather that customers aren’t choosing them. If Google’s competitors are right, and Google really is altering search results for its own advantage, users will soon defect on their own. The FTC would do a greater public service by protecting the interests of student athletes who have nowhere else to go.
5 Ways to Beat Your Competitors at SEO
As anyone who's ever struggled to achieve and maintain high search results rankings can attest to, search engine optimization (SEO) is a constant race to stay one move ahead of your competitors. To win that race, you need to continually improve your ...
A Visit to Google Land The Intransparent Methods of an Internet Giant
Spiegel Online
Nine out of 10 Germans searching for information online -- a number roughly consistent to Google's global presence -- now use the search engine that Sergey Brin and Larry Page launched in 1996 under the name "BackRub." Since 1997, their baby-turned ...
Spiegel Online
Google Rolls Out Top Heavy 2 Update
Google's head of spam Matt Cutts via his twitter account announced the Top Heavy 2 update. The Top Heavy 2 update focuses on removing sites from the search engine, which have too much advertising or imagery above the fold. Users of Google had ...
SEO industry gets in a spin over online content marketing
Internet Marketing News
In light of Google's Panda and Penguin updates, designed to target content and link spam, in favour of rewarding fresh, unique content, quality content represents one of the few SEO strategies to produce consistently good results. Despite content being ...
The Changing Economics of Google AdWords (Infographic)
Business 2 Community
Offsetting those declines are an impressive growth of ad impressions and clicks (clicks were up +21.6% for Google Search, +29.1% for Google Display Network), which more than made up for lost revenues. It's hard to say for certain ... It also opens up ...
In Web Search, Be Efficient in the Terms You Use
New York Times
“We really try to make Bing a place where you can go to get stuff done in the real world,” said Stefan Weitz, senior director of Bing, Microsoft's search engine and chief rival to Google. “People expect search now to actually do a better job connecting ...
New York Times
How free tools can turn you into a web diviner
Sydney Morning Herald
... site and your competitors'. Setting aside the clunky industry standards – GoogleKeywords and Google Analytics – here are five alternative no-cost tools that can help you become an SEO seer as dollars move from offline to online in a shift that ...
Sydney Morning Herald
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