CNET experienced declining Web site traffic after Google's "Panda" update in early 2011. (Credit: Tim Carter was blindsided when his home-improvement site fell out of favor with Google's search ...
Facebook Says It Isn't in Talks to Enter New Search Partnership
“People expect a better search experience on Facebook,” the Menlo Park, California-based company said in an e-mailed statement today. “We are working on improvements to better meet those expectations but are not in talks to enter into a new search ...
SEO Tips and Tricks List Surpasses 1600 SEO Tips for Small Business ...
The SEO Tips list is generated by incoming questions from small business owners and marketers about search engine optimization (SE0). SEO is Internet marketing for Google and Bing, with practical tips explaining how a small business can get to the top ...
Google SERP Test: Multiple Page Title & Meta Description Tags
SEOmoz (blog)
There are numerous content management system (CMS) platforms out there, most are free, and they all strive to make their platform as search engine friendly as possible. The CMS platforms, as well as hundreds of third party developers, have created a ...
SEOmoz (blog)
Take Out Duplication Without a Single Site Change
Search Engine Watch
Back in August, Googler Maile Ohye outlined some best practices and provided some much needed insight into Google Webmaster Tool Parameter Handling. Using the Google Store as an example, she pointed out that while there were only 158 products, ...
Suggested searches for Microsoft's Windows 8 from Google and Bing reveal ...
As you can see from the images above, both Google Search and Bing reveal that people aren't too happy about Windows 8. ... Bing, Microsoft's very own search engine, is offering degrading search results for one of the company's most important products.
Facebook Searches for Search Engine Alliance
CCL Online
The rationale between such a partnership is due to the fact that Facebook want better search functionality for its users and since Google is out of the question (with their mediocre attempt of social media Google+) Facebook turned to Yahoo's expertise ...
CCL Online
Big data can get the truth from Google
google-search How can we, and the regulators, decide whether Google's search results are actually fair? Which begs the question — how can we, and the regulators, actually decide whetherGoogle's being unfair and abusing its powers? Google has ...
Bing Now Has Webmaster Guidelines
Search Engine Roundtable
Duane Forrester announced that Bing has launched their Bing Webmaster Guidelines. The guidelines are in ... But knowing the resources Google has on the webmaster team versus what Microsoft has on their webmaster team - the effort is incredibly ...
Search Engine Roundtable
Taking the snake oil out of SEO
Sydney Morning Herald (blog)
Google has the largest share of search traffic in Australia, so the more indexable your site is to the Google search engine, the more chance you have to appear in relevant searches which means more page views and exposure. Part of the problem with SEO...
Sydney Morning Herald (blog)
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